24-10B-4. Bureau; duties.
The bureau is designated as the lead agency for the emergency medical services system, including injury prevention, and shall establish and maintain a program for regional planning and development, improvement, expansion and direction of emergency medical services throughout the state, including:
A. design, development, implementation and coordination of emergency medical services communications systems to join the personnel, facilities and equipment of a given region or system that will allow for medical direction;
B. provision of technical assistance to the public regulation commission for further development and implementation of standards for certification of ambulance services, vehicles and equipment;
C. development of requirements for the collection of data and statistics to evaluate the availability, operation and quality of providers in the state;
D. adoption of rules for emergency medical services medical direction upon the recommendation of the medical direction committee;
E. approval of continuing education programs for emergency medical services personnel;
F. adoption of rules pertaining to the training and licensure of emergency medical dispatchers and their instructors;
G. adoption of rules based upon the recommendations of a trauma advisory committee, for implementation and monitoring of a statewide, comprehensive trauma care system, including:
(1) minimum standards for designation or retention of designation as a trauma center or a participating trauma facility;
(2) pre-hospital care management guidelines for the triage and transportation of traumatized persons;
(3) establishment for interfacility transfer criteria and transfer agreements;
(4) standards for collection of data relating to trauma system operation, patient outcome and trauma prevention; and
(5) creation of a state trauma care plan;
H. adoption of rules, based upon the recommendations of the air transport advisory committee, for the certification of air ambulance services;
I. adoption of rules pertaining to authorization of providers to honor advance directives, such as emergency medical services do not resuscitate forms, to withhold or terminate care in certain pre-hospital or interfacility circumstances, as guided by local medical protocols;
J. operation of a critical incident stress management program for emergency providers utilizing specifically trained volunteers who shall be considered public employees for the purposes of the Tort Claims Act [41-4-1 NMSA 1978] when called upon to perform their duties;
K. adoption of rules to establish a cardiac arrest targeted response program pursuant to the Cardiac Arrest Response Act [24-10C-1 NMSA 1978], including registration of automated external defibrillator programs, maintenance of equipment, data collection, approval of automated external defibrillator training programs and a schedule of automated external defibrillator program registration fees;
L. adoption of rules for the administration of an emergency medical services certification program for certified emergency medical services; and
M. promoting, developing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating risk reduction and injury prevention systems.