24-10C-4. Protection of public safety.
A person who acquires an automated external defibrillator shall ensure that:
A. a physician medical director oversees all aspects of the automated external defibrillator program, including training, emergency medical services coordination, protocol approval and automated external defibrillator deployment strategies, and that the physician medical director provides overall quality assurance and reviews each case in which the automated external defibrillator is used by the program;
B. the trained targeted responder receives appropriate training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and in the use of an automated external defibrillator by a nationally recognized course in cardiopulmonary response and automated external defibrillator use approved by the department or other training programs authorized by the department;
C. the defibrillator is maintained and tested according to the manufacturer's guidelines;
D. any person who renders emergency care or treatment on a person in cardiac arrest by using an automated external defibrillator activates the emergency medical system as soon as possible and reports any clinical use of the automated external defibrillator to the physician medical director;
E. the automated external defibrillator program is registered with the department; and
F. the local emergency medical services and local 911 agencies have been notified of the automated external defibrillator program.