24-10E-4. Trauma system fund authority created; membership.
A. The "trauma system fund authority" is created. The authority is administratively attached to the department.
B. The authority shall consist of at least nine members, all of whom shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The membership of the authority shall include the following:
(1) the secretary or the secretary's designee;
(2) representation from the medical specialty of trauma physicians;
(3) at least one member of a statewide organization representing physicians in New Mexico;
(4) at least one member representing emergency and trauma nursing practice;
(5) at least one member of a statewide organization representing hospitals and health systems in New Mexico;
(6) at least one member of a statewide organization representing injury prevention;
(7) the chair of the statewide emergency medical services advisory committee;
(8) the chair of the trauma advisory committee; and
(9) at least one member of a statewide organization representing rehabilitation services.
C. Authority members shall elect a chair and other officers as the authority deems appropriate.
D. The authority shall meet regularly at the call of the chair.