24-14A-6. Health information system; access.
A. Access to data in the health information system shall be provided in accordance with regulations adopted by the commission pursuant to the Health Information System Act.
B. A data provider may obtain data it has submitted to the system, as well as aggregate data, but, except as provided in Subsections D and E of this section, it shall not have access to data submitted by another provider that is limited only to that provider. Except as provided in Subsections D and E of this section, in no event may a data provider obtain data regarding an individual patient except in instances where the data were originally submitted by the requesting provider. Prior to the release of any data, in any form, data sources shall be permitted the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the data pertaining to that data source. Data identified in writing as inaccurate shall be corrected prior to the data's release. Time limits shall be set for the submission and review of data by data sources, and penalties shall be established for failure to submit and review the data within the established time.
C. Any person may obtain any aggregate data.
D. Through a secure delivery or transmission process, the commission may share with the department record-level data that contain identifiable individual, provider or hospital information.
E. Through a secure delivery or transmission process, the commission may share record-level data with a federal agency that is authorized to collect, analyze or disseminate health information. The commission shall remove identifiable individual or provider information from the record-level data prior to its disclosure to the federal agency. In providing hospital information under an agreement or arrangement with a federal agency, the commission shall ensure that any identifiable hospital information disclosed is necessary for the agency's authorized use and that its disclosure meets with state and federal privacy and confidentiality laws, rules and regulations.