24-1E-3. Health facility receiverships authorized; venue.
A. The secretary may file a verified petition in the district court seeking appointment as receiver of a health facility if the facility:
(1) is being operated without a valid license from the division;
(2) will be closed within sixty days and adequate arrangements to relocate its residents have not been submitted to and approved by the secretary;
(3) has been abandoned, its residents have been abandoned or such abandonment is imminent; or
(4) presents a situation, physical condition, practice or method of operation that the secretary finds presents an imminent danger of death or significant mental or physical harm to its residents or other persons.
B. The proceedings shall be governed by, and the receiver's powers and duties shall be as specified in, the Receivership Act [44-8-1 NMSA 1978], supplemented as provided in the Health Facility Receivership Act [24-1E-1 NMSA 1978].
C. Venue shall be laid in the district court for Santa Fe county or any other county in which the health facility or any of its satellite facilities is located.
D. Service of process shall be made in any manner provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts. If personal service cannot practicably or promptly be made as so provided, service may be made by delivery of the summons with the petition attached to any person in charge of the health facility at the time service is made.
E. The health facility shall file a responsive pleading within ten days after the date service is made or within such time as directed by the district court.