24-24-4. Fund created; administration.
A. The "child care facility revolving loan fund" is created in the New Mexico finance authority to provide low-interest, long-term loans to providers to make health and safety improvements in their facilities. The fund shall consist of appropriations, gifts, grants and donations to the fund, which shall be invested as provided in the New Mexico Finance Authority Act [6-21-1 NMSA 1978]. Money in the fund shall not revert and is appropriated to the department, which shall utilize the fund for the purposes of the Child Care Facility Loan Act [24-24-1 NMSA 1978]. Administrative costs of the authority may be paid from the fund. Expenditures from the fund for loans to providers shall be made upon warrants of the secretary of finance and administration pursuant to vouchers signed by the secretary of children, youth and families or his authorized representative.
B. Money in the fund shall be used to make loans to providers that demonstrate the need to make health and safety improvements, including space expansion, in order to maintain an adequate and appropriate environment for their clients. Loans from the fund are to be made at the lowest legally permissible interest rates for the longest amount of time in order to allow the providers the maximum opportunity to maintain the business while repaying the loan.
C. No more than twenty percent of the fund may be loaned to a single provider in a single loan. A provider that has received a loan from the fund in the immediately preceding five years or that has not completed repayment of a previous loan from the fund is ineligible for a new loan. The department shall give priority for loans to facilities of providers that serve proportionately high numbers of state-subsidized clients and low-income families.
D. The department, in conjunction with the New Mexico finance authority, shall adopt rules to administer and implement the Child Care Facility Loan Act . The rules shall become effective when filed in accordance with the State Rules Act [14-4-1 NMSA 1978].