24-3B-3. Education of school age residents.
A. All school age residents shall be evaluated by the department for purposes of educational placement according to the special education regulations of the state board of education.
B. Any evaluated school age resident not recommended for placement in a public school by the department or as a result of the appeal process shall be provided an educational program by the institution in which he is a school age resident. All such educational programs shall be in accordance with the special education regulations of the state board of education.
C. The department shall refer any evaluated school age resident who has been recommended for placement in a public school to a school district for enrollment.
D. The educational appraisal and review committee of a school district shall evaluate and recommend placement of all referred school age residents according to the placement process as provided in the special education regulations of the state board of education. A school district shall enroll all referred school age residents who have been recommended for placement in a public school by the educational appraisal and review committee of the school district.
E. The department may appeal any recommendation to not place a referred school age resident in a public school only if such recommendation is made by the educational appraisal and review committee of the school district where the institution, in which the referred school age resident is a client, is located. The appeal process shall be as provided in the special education regulations of the state board of education. Any referred school age resident who has been recommended for placement in a public school as a result of the appeal process shall be enrolled in the school district where the institution, in which the referred school age resident is a client, is located, as provided in Paragraph (2), Subsection C of Section 22-12-4 NMSA 1978.
F. All school age residents who are enrolled in a public school shall be counted in the special education membership of the school district.
G. Transportation for all school age residents enrolled in a public school shall be provided to and from the institution in which they are clients and the public school in which they are enrolled. Such transportation shall be provided in accordance with Section 22-8-2 and Sections 22-16-1 through 22-16-10 NMSA 1978.