24-4-2. Offices of county health department and district health officer; expenses.
The board of county commissioners of each county in such health districts shall provide suitable quarters for the county health department and the district health officer, including office space for the district health officer and administrative staff, office space for physician personnel, clinic space for patients and waiting space for patients, their friends and families. The boards of county commissioners shall make proper provision for all office and other expense, including utilities and maintenance, incurred in enforcing the health laws and regulations within the counties wherein such expense is incurred. The board of county commissioners of each county in such health districts may, upon adoption of a resolution approved by the department of finance and administration, deposit such county funds as are hereby provided with the state treasurer to the credit of the health and environment department [department of health] for such purposes as are herein provided at such times as such funds are available; provided the depositing of such funds with the state treasurer be upon a voucher approved by the board of county commissioners subject to all statutes and regulations covering the disbursement of county funds excepting that such funds may be so deposited prior to said payments being due and payable, provided further that no such deposits shall be in excess of any line item of the approved county health budget.