24-4-3. Additional health officers; state personnel board rules govern appointment and dismissal.
Whenever, in the opinion of the director of the health services division of the health and environment department [secretary of health], conditions require the employment of persons in addition to the district health officer to properly execute the health laws and regulations in any county, the board of county commissioners of such county, with the approval of the director of the health services division [secretary of health], may employ such additional persons as the director shall designate, and their compensation and expenses shall be paid from the county general fund upon vouchers drawn by the district health officer. The board of county commissioners of such county may, upon adoption of a resolution approved by the secretary of finance and administration, deposit such county funds as are hereby provided with the state treasurer to the credit of the health and environment department [department of health] for such purposes as are herein provided at such time as such funds are available. The depositing of such funds with the state treasurer shall be upon a voucher approved by the board of county commissioners subject to all statutes and regulations covering the disbursement of county funds except that such funds may be so deposited prior to disbursement being due and payable. No such deposits shall be in excess of the approved budget for this purpose. The appointment and dismissal of all persons employed hereunder shall be governed by the rules promulgated under the Personnel Act [10-9-1 NMSA 1978] by the personnel board.