24-7A-3. Revocation of advance health-care directive.
A. An individual, while having capacity, may revoke the designation of an agent either by a signed writing or by personally informing the supervising health-care provider. If the individual cannot sign, a written revocation must be signed for the individual and be witnessed by two witnesses, each of whom has signed at the direction and in the presence of the individual and of each other.
B. An individual, while having capacity, may revoke all or part of an advance health-care directive, other than the designation of an agent, at any time and in any manner that communicates an intent to revoke.
C. A health-care provider, agent, guardian or surrogate who is informed of a revocation shall promptly communicate the fact of the revocation to the supervising health-care provider and to any health-care institution at which the patient is receiving care.
D. The filing of a petition for or a decree of annulment, divorce, dissolution of marriage or legal separation revokes a previous designation of a spouse as agent unless otherwise specified in the decree or in a power of attorney for health care. A designation revoked solely by this subsection is revived by the individual's remarriage to the former spouse, by a nullification of the divorce, annulment or legal separation or by the dismissal or withdrawal, with the individual's consent, of a petition seeking annulment, divorce, dissolution of marriage or legal separation.
E. An advance health-care directive that conflicts with an earlier advance health-care directive revokes the earlier directive to the extent of the conflict.