25-3-11. Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection required.
A. Slaughtering establishments which have state meat inspection service shall have an "ante-mortem inspection." The inspector assigned to the slaughtering establishment shall examine each animal immediately prior to slaughter for the purpose of eliminating all unfit animals and segregating, for more thorough examination, all animals suspected of being affected with a condition which might influence their disposition on post-mortem inspection. The unfit animals shall not be permitted to enter the slaughtering department of the plant. The suspected animals, which after inspection are permitted to be slaughtered shall be handled separate and apart from the regular kill and given a special post-mortem examination.
B. Slaughtering establishments which have state meat inspection service shall have a "post-mortem inspection." The post-mortem examination shall be made at the time the animals are slaughtered. The inspectors shall examine the cervical lymph glands, the skeletal lymph glands, the viscera and organs with their lymph glands, and all exposed surfaces of the carcasses of all cattle, calves, sheep, swine and goats. The examination shall be conducted in the slaughtering department of the plant during the slaughtering operations.
C. The chief veterinary meat inspector or any of his inspectors shall have the laboratory of the board or any laboratory designated by the board make pathogenic examination of animals or parts thereof for completion of ante-mortem or post-mortem inspection.