25-7-6. Adulterated or mislabeled products and stop-sale orders.
It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale adulterated or mislabeled milk or dairy products. Milk or dairy products that contain any unwholesome substance or fail to conform in physical or chemical composition to the definitions or standards prescribed by the Dairy Act [25-7-1 to 25-7-8 NMSA 1978] or by regulation of the board shall be deemed adulterated. Milk or dairy products as defined by the Dairy Act or by regulation of the board that are labeled with an identifying name other than those so defined, or bear a name that has been defined but contains a food product that does not conform in physical or chemical composition with the definition provided by the Dairy Act or regulation of the board, shall be deemed adulterated. Any milk or dairy product which contains a product differing in content from the product described on its label, or bears an identifying name other than those defined by the Dairy Act or by regulation of the board shall be deemed mislabeled. The department may issue and enforce a stop-sale order on any adulterated or mislabeled product.