27-2C-3. Medicaid formulary for prescription drugs.
A. The department shall develop or implement a formulary or preferred drug list, taking into consideration the clinical efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of a product.
B. The department shall ensure that the administration or delivery of health care services and products under the medicaid program includes a formulary that will provide medically appropriate drug therapies for patients.
C. The department shall require a prior authorization before a drug not listed on the medicaid program formulary may be dispensed unless otherwise provided pursuant to Subsection C of Section 27-2C-4 NMSA 1978.
D. The department shall ensure that atypical antipsychotic medications are available in the same manner as conventional antipsychotic medications for medicaid patients for the treatment of severe mental illnesses that are listed in a current national diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by a national psychiatric association, including schizophrenia, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety-panic attack disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder.