27-5-11. Hospitals and ambulance services; health care providers; required to file data; sole community provider hospital duties.
A. An ambulance service, hospital or health care provider in New Mexico or licensed out-of-state hospital, prior to the filing of a claim with the board, shall have placed on file with the board:
(1) current data, statistics, schedules and information deemed necessary by the board to determine the cost for all patients in that hospital or cared for by that health care provider or tariff rates or charges of an ambulance service;
(2) proof that the hospital, ambulance service or health care provider is licensed under the laws of this state or the state in which the hospital operates; and
(3) other information or data deemed necessary by the board.
B. A sole community provider hospital requesting or receiving medicaid sole community provider hospital payments shall:
(1) accept indigent patients and request reimbursement for those patients through the appropriate county indigent fund. The responsible county shall approve requests meeting its eligibility standards and notify the hospital of such approval;
(2) confirm the amount of payment authorized by each county for indigent patients, to that county for the previous fiscal year, by September 30 of each calendar year;
(3) negotiate with each county the amount of indigent hospital payments anticipated for the following fiscal year by December 31 of each year; and
(4) provide to the department prior to January 15 of each year the amount of the authorized indigent hospital payments anticipated for the following fiscal year after an agreement has been reached on the amount with each responsible county and such other related information as the department may request.