27-7-30. Duty to report; penalty.
A. Any person, including financial institutions, having reasonable cause to believe that an incapacitated adult is being abused, neglected or exploited shall immediately report that information to the department.
B. The report required in Subsection A of this section may be made orally or in writing. The report shall include the name, age and address of the adult, the name and address of any other person responsible for the adult's care, the nature and extent of the adult's condition, the basis of the reporter's knowledge and other relevant information.
C. Any person failing or refusing to report, or obstructing or impeding any investigation, as required by Subsection A of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
D. The department may assess a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation against a person that violates the provisions of Subsection A of this section or obstructs or impedes any investigation as required pursuant to Subsection A of this section. The department may assess and collect the penalty, after notice and an opportunity for hearing before a hearing officer designated by the department to hear the matter, upon a determination that a person violated the provisions of Subsection A of this section or obstructed or impeded any investigation as required pursuant to this section. The hearing officer has the power to administer oaths on request of any party and issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum. Additionally, if the violation is against a person covered by the Personnel Act [10-9-1 NMSA 1978], the department shall refer the matter to the agency employing the person for disciplinary action. Any party may appeal a final decision by the department to the court pursuant to the provisions of Section 39-3-1.1 NMSA 1978.