3-37-5. Warrants; execution; registration.
A. No payment of funds shall be made except upon a warrant of the municipality. A warrant shall be signed by the mayor or his authorized representative, and countersigned by the municipal treasurer or as prescribed by the Uniform Facsimile Signature of Public Officials Act [6-9-1 to 6-9-6 NMSA 1978]. A warrant shall state the:
(1) account or account number to which the warrant is chargeable; and
(2) name of the person to whom the warrant is payable.
B. The finance officer shall keep a record of all warrants issued. The record shall show the:
(1) number of the warrant;
(2) date it was issued;
(3) amount of the warrant;
(4) account to which the warrant is chargeable; and
(5) name of the person to whom the warrant was issued.