34-6-33. Operation; dockets and records.
A. The district court clerk shall keep for each county in indexed volumes:
(1) a civil docket;
(2) a criminal docket;
(3) an incapacitated person docket;
(4) an adoption docket;
(5) a probate docket;
(6) a children's docket;
(7) a judgment docket; and
(8) a record of the proceedings of the court.
In counties where the amount of business makes it desirable, separate criminal and civil records may be kept.
B. The dockets shall show in convenient form for each case:
(1) the names of the parties;
(2) the names of their attorneys;
(3) the nature of the case;
(4) the filing of each paper;
(5) a brief statement of every return, motion, rule, order, judgment or other proceeding, with reference to pages of the record where each entry can be found; and
(6) the costs taxes and all costs and fees received.