34-6-35. Finance; payment of expenses.
A. All money for the operation and maintenance of the district courts, including the children's and family court divisions, shall be paid by the state treasurer upon warrants of the secretary of finance and administration, supported by vouchers of the district judges and in accordance with budgets approved by the administrative office of the courts and the state budget division of the department of finance and administration. In judicial districts having more than one district judge, vouchers shall be approved by the presiding judge of the district or his authorized representative.
B. The district judge may authorize the establishment of a checking account, designated as the "District court special operations account," in a federally insured bank. In accordance with budgeting requirements, warrants of the secretary of finance and administration may be deposited to the district court special operations account, and checks on the account may be written by the district judge or his authorized representative for payment of:
(1) jury fees and expenses;
(2) witness fees and expenses; and
(3) petty cash expenses.