34-7-15. [Additional fees of clerk.]
In addition to the fees provided for in Section 1 [34-7-14 NMSA 1978] hereof, clerks of probate courts may charge the following fees:
for making an itemized bill of costs in any case, when demanded, fifty cents [($.50)];
for making and certifying to transcript of judgment, one dollar [($1.00)];
for taking an acknowledgment and affixing seal, fifty cents [($.50)], if but one person acknowledges, and twenty-five cents [($.25)] for each additional person;
for making copies of records or papers, ten cents [($.10)] per folio of one hundred words, for carbon copies three cents [($.03)] per folio;
for certificate and seal authenticating any paper as a true and correct copy, fifty cents [($.50)];
for making transcripts on appeal or certiorari to any court, and for certifying the same, such fees as are now provided by law; provided, however, that only fees for certification shall be charged where the transcript is prepared by the litigant himself.