4-17-1. [County boundaries.]
The present boundaries of McKinley county, as established by Chapter 19 of the Session Laws of 1899, are hereby enlarged and extended by adding thereto the following territory from the counties of Bernalillo and Valencia, viz.: beginning at the point where the second standard parallel north intersects the boundary line between the territories of Arizona and New Mexico; thence north on said line to the point where the fifth standard parallel north, if projected westward across the Navajo Indian reservation, would intersect the boundary line between New Mexico and Arizona; thence east along the line of said fifth standard parallel north, to the northeast corner of township number twenty north, range number five west of the New Mexico principal meridian; thence south along the line between ranges numbers four and five west of the New Mexico principal meridian, to the point where it intersects the third standard parallel north; thence west along said third standard parallel north, to the southeast corner of township number thirteen north, range number eight west of the New Mexico principal meridian; thence north along the line between ranges numbers seven and eight west of the New Mexico principal meridian, to the corner of sections thirteen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty-four, township number thirteen north, ranges numbers seven and eight west of the New Mexico principal meridian; thence west along the line between sections thirteen and twenty-four, fourteen and twenty-three, fifteen and twenty-two, sixteen and twenty-one, seventeen and twenty and eighteen and nineteen, township number thirteen north, range number eight west, to the point where it intersects the first guide meridian west; thence south along the line of said first guide meridian west, to the point where it intersects the third standard parallel north; thence west on said third standard parallel north, to the northeast corner of township twelve north, range sixteen west of the New Mexico principal meridian; thence south along the line between ranges fifteen and sixteen west, to the point where it intersects the second standard parallel north; thence west along said second standard parallel north, to the point of beginning.