4-22-1. [Original county boundaries.]
That there be and hereby is created a county, to be known as and called Roosevelt county, out of that portion of the territory of New Mexico included in the following boundaries, as indicated by the United States survey, to wit: commencing at the southwest corner of township two south, range twenty-seven east of the New Mexico principal base and meridian; thence north along the range line between [ranges] twenty-six and twenty-seven east to the northwest corner of township four north of range twenty-seven east; thence east along the north line of township four north (projected) to its point of intersection with the Texas-New Mexico boundary line; thence south along the Texas-New Mexico boundary line to the point of its intersection with the first standard parallel south (projected eastward); thence west along the first standard parallel south to the southwest corner of township five south, range thirty-one east; thence north along the range line between ranges thirty and thirty-one east to the southwest corner of township four south, range thirty-one east; thence west along the south line of township four south, range thirty east, to the southwest corner of township four south, range thirty east; thence north along the range line between ranges twenty-nine and thirty east, to the southwest corner of township two south, range thirty east; thence west along the south boundary line of township two south to the point of beginning.