4-22-2. [Addition to Roosevelt county.]
That all that portion of the territory described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of township four south of range thirty east, thence south on range line to the southwest corner of township five south of range thirty east; thence east on said township line which is also the first standard parallel south, to the northwest corner of township six south of range thirty-two east; thence south on range line to the southwest corner of township seven south of range thirty-two east; thence east on township line to the northwest corner of township eight south of range thirty-four east; thence south on range line between ranges thirty-three and thirty-four east to the southwest corner of township eight south of range thirty-four east; thence east along the township line between townships eight and nine south to its intersection with the western boundary line of the state of Texas; thence in a northerly direction along the boundary line between Texas and New Mexico to the southeast corner of Roosevelt county; thence west along township line to the southwest [southeast] corner of township five south of range thirty east; thence north on range line to the northeast corner of township five south, range thirty east; thence west along township line to the place of beginning, be and it hereby is annexed to the county of Roosevelt as a part and portion thereof for every purpose.