4-34-1. [Petition; number of signers; calling of election; deposit in certain cases; deeds to property for buildings; prohibited removals; limitation on elections.]
Whenever the citizens of any county in this state shall present a petition to the board of county commissioners signed by qualified electors of said county equal in number to at least one-half the legal votes cast at the last preceding general election in said county, asking for the removal of the county seat of said county to some other designated place, which petition shall be duly recorded in the records of said county, said board shall make an order directing that the proposition to remove the county seat to the place named in the petition, be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said county at the next general election, if the same is to occur within one year of the time of presenting said petition, otherwise at a special election to be called for that purpose at any time within two months from the date of presenting said petition: provided, that whenever it is proposed to remove a county seat of any county which has public buildings consisting of a courthouse and jail, the original construction of which cost said county more than the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), such cost to be ascertained from the records of the board of county commissioners of said county, then before said board of commissioners shall make such order so submitting such proposition to remove the county seat, to the qualified voters of said county, [the board of commissioners] shall require from the petitioners or the persons interested in the removal of said county seat a deposit of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) in money, which said deposit shall be placed in the treasury of said county, which said sum of money when so placed in said treasury shall be used in the construction of a courthouse and jail in the event that the proposition for the removal shall receive a majority of the votes cast at such election, but such deposit shall not be required as a condition precedent to submitting such proposition for the removal in counties which have no courthouses and jails, the cost to the county of which, as ascertained from the records of said county commissioners is less than said sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) as aforesaid; but the same shall be required in all cases when it is proposed to remove a county seat from a point situated on a railroad to another point also so situated: provided, further, that the city, town, village or place named in the petition to which it is proposed to remove said county seat shall be at least twenty miles distant from the then county seat of said county and said petitioners or persons interested in the removal of said county seat shall cause to be conveyed to said county, by a good and perfect title, in the event that the proposition for the removal shall receive a majority of the votes cast at such election, sufficient suitable land to be accepted, if containing as much as three-fourths of an acre for courthouse, jail and other buildings for such county, the deed for which shall be filed with and accepted by the board of county commissioners before calling said election which deed to be redelivered to the grantor therein named in case said proposition to remove said county seat fails to receive a majority of the votes cast at such election, and that no proposition to remove a county seat from a city, town, village or place, situated on a railroad, to one not so situated, shall be entertained or voted upon, and that no vote shall be ordered on substantially the same proposition more than once in ten years.