4-44-19. [Prisoners; operating allowance; records and maintenance.]
A. Each county sheriff, jail administrator or independent contractor shall keep a written record showing the exact time of confinement and release of each prisoner incarcerated in the jail under his jurisdiction. As used in this act, "jail administrator" means the person hired by a county, municipality or a combination of these who supervises the entire operation of the jail and reports directly to the administrative head of the local governmental entity or local governing body.
B. The governing body of a jail shall, from appropriate funds, provide the necessary funding to maintain and operate the facility.
C. All fees remitted to the sheriff or jail administrator for federal or other prisoners in his custody shall be promptly deposited in their entirety by the sheriff or jail administrator with the appropriate depository entity. As used in this section, "depository entity" means the treasurer of the particular local governmental entity responsible for management of the jail.