4-48A-20. Hospital revenue bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues.
A. A special hospital district may issue revenue bonds pursuant to the Special Hospital District Act [Chapter 4, Article 48A NMSA 1978] for the purposes of:
(1) constructing, acquiring or purchasing a hospital facility for the special hospital district;
(2) equipping, furnishing, remodeling or renovating a hospital facility owned or operated by the special hospital district; or
(3) purchasing or acquiring real property deemed necessary to the construction, operation or maintenance of a hospital facility owned or operated by the special hospital district.
B. The special hospital district may pledge irrevocably all or a portion of the revenues derived from the ownership and operation of a hospital facility and revenues derived from the leasing of or other contractual arrangement for the operation of a hospital facility for the payment of principal of and interest on such revenue bonds.
C. For the purpose of the Special Hospital District Act, "equipping" or "re-equipping" means the purchase or lease of property of a character subject to the allowance for depreciation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 § 167 and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended.