4-50-6. Limit on indebtedness; payment of expenses.
A. No expense or indebtedness shall be incurred by any county flood commissioner in excess of the amount of any annual levy, excepting where there may be remaining on hand funds arising from previous similar levies; provided, however, that where a board of county commissioners, upon the recommendation of the county flood commissioner, contracts to borrow funds from a state or federal agency or from the New Mexico finance authority for flood control projects and pledges the proceeds of the annual levies for their repayment, the amount which may be borrowed shall be limited by the terms of repayment so that no annual installment of principal and interest shall exceed eighty percent of the amount produced by the annual levy in the year preceding the signing of the loan agreement.
B. All expenses and indebtedness incurred by any county flood commissioner under the provisions of Sections 4-50-1 through 4-50-9 NMSA 1978 shall be subject to the approval of the board of county commissioners. Upon the approval of the board, the expenses and indebtedness incurred shall be paid upon warrant drawn by the board of county commissioners, upon the filing by the county flood commissioner of vouchers for the expenditures and indebtedness with the board of county commissioners. The warrants shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the appropriate separate account within the county flood fund. The county clerk shall file and keep a record of all vouchers filed with the board of county commissioners by the county flood commissioner.