4-55A-15. Notice of bid; acceptance of bid.
A. After the board creates an improvement district, the board may proceed as authorized in Section 13 or 14 [4-55A-13 or 4-55A-14 NMSA 1978] of the County Improvement District Act or call for sealed bids on the proposed improvement. The notice of the call for bids shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 13-1-11 NMSA 1978.
B. After advertising for bids, the county may make minor alterations or changes in the plans and specifications to correct errors or omissions in the original plans and specifications.
C. The board shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder unless the board:
(1) elects to construct the improvement as authorized in Section 13 or 14 [4-55A-13 or 4-55A-14 NMSA 1978] of the County Improvement District Act;
(2) rejects all bids submitted for the construction of the improvement. Such bids shall be rejected in the following manner:
(a) if less than three bids are received, the purchase may be made without bids at the best documented obtainable price; or
(b) if three or more bids are received, the county may reject any or all bids but shall readvertise and accept new bids; and
(c) if no new bids are received or if all new bids are rejected, the rejection shall be accompanied by a written statement of the board declaring the reasons for the rejection and the county may then purchase the required items on the open market at the best documented price.