49-1-5. Election of members of board of trustees; voters' qualifications; registration.
A. Elections for the board of trustees shall be held on the first Monday in April or on a day designated in the bylaws, either every two or every four years as specified in the bylaws of the land grant-merced.
B. All qualified voting members of the land grant-merced are qualified to vote and may vote for trustees as specified in the land grant-merced bylaws.
C. The registration of qualified voting members shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in the land grant-merced bylaws. The secretary of the board of trustees shall maintain the registration books. Registration shall be closed beginning fifteen days before an election and reopened on the Monday following the election.
D. The registration books compiled before each election shall be used at that election. No person shall vote at the election unless duly registered in the books, and no ballot of any unregistered person shall be counted or canvassed.
E. A candidate for the board of trustees shall file a declaration of candidacy with the secretary of the board of trustees. The period when declarations of candidacy may be filed shall begin on the day the proclamation calling the election is published and shall remain open for at least ten days.
F. Whenever an election is to be called or is required by law, the board of trustees shall by resolution issue a public proclamation calling the election. The proclamation shall specify:
(1) the date on which the election will be held;
(2) the purpose for which the election is called;
(3) if positions on the board of trustees are to be filled, the date and time by which declarations of candidacy are to be filed;
(4) if a question is to be voted upon, the text of that question;
(5) the location of each polling place in the land grant-merced;
(6) the hours that each polling place will be open; and
(7) the date and time of the closing of the registration books.
G. Not less than thirty days nor more than forty-five days before the date of the election, the board of trustees shall publish in Spanish and English the proclamation in a local newspaper of general circulation available within the boundaries of the land grant-merced and post the proclamation in at least five public places within the land grant-merced.
H. The board of trustees shall appoint one election judge and at least two election clerks for each polling place. The election judge shall also be present for the canvass of the vote. No person shall be qualified for appointment or service as an election clerk or judge who is a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of any candidate to be voted for at the election.
I. The board of trustees shall provide in the bylaws for the forms and procedures by which the land grant-merced elections are conducted. If the board of trustees chooses to provide for early or absentee voting, it shall specify in its bylaws the procedures by which early or absentee voting shall be conducted.