49-3-1. [Management vested in board of trustees; number.]
That the management and control of the community lands of the people of Chaperito, within the county of San Miguel, in the state of New Mexico, within the exterior boundaries of the following described tract of land, to wit:
beginning at the northwest corner of the fence of Rafael Lucero; from thence on a straight line to the point of terminus of the Cuchilla Lagia; thence on a straight line northerly to the point or terminus of the Mesa del Velorio; thence southwesterly on a straight line to the source or beginning of the Rincon de los Torres; thence easterly to the junction of the Canada of the Rincon Hondo with the Canada of Laureano; thence on a straight line to the Puertecito del Norte, which goes to the Canada del Indio; thence northwesterly on a straight line to the intersection thereof with the line of the Las Vegas grant; thence southerly, following the Catron fence, which is easterly from the Canada del Indio to the east boundary line of the land of Rafael Lucero; thence northerly, to the northeast corner of the land of said Rafael Lucero; thence westerly, following the fence of said Rafael Lucero to the place of beginning, as the same was decreed in final decree rendered in cause no. 6419, in the district court of the fourth judicial district of the state of New Mexico, sitting within and for the county of San Miguel in said district, in that certain cause entitled in the civil docket of said court, Julius G. Day, et als. versus Sostenes Delgado, et als., defendants, and which said final decree was rendered by said court on December 12, 1913, is hereby vested in a board of trustees composed of three members, each of which shall be elected as this chapter provides.