49-4-15. Salaries of trustees; records; expenditures.
A. The board of trustees may fix in the land grant-merced bylaws and pay to its members a salary not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200) to any member in one month. The salary as fixed shall be in full as compensation for the duties performed by the board of trustees or the individual members within the exterior boundaries of the land grant-merced and for attendance at regularly scheduled meetings. The secretary of the board of trustees may be allowed a salary not to exceed two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225) in one month.
B. Board of trustees members may be authorized per diem and mileage pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 NMSA 1978].
C. The board of trustees and the treasurer shall keep permanent and legible records capable of audit, and no money or funds shall be paid by the board of trustees or by any person authorized to expend money except by written check drawn upon vouchers.