49-9-4. [Notice of application; publication; protest; time limit on application.]
When application shall be made, as herein provided, for a deed to any portion of the lands within the limits of such grant, the clerk of said city is hereby required, within ten (10) days after the receipt of such application, to publish a notice of the same in a newspaper published and of general circulation in said city in one issue of said newspaper, giving in said notice the name of the applicant and a description of the lands for which a deed is asked. Any person, or persons, either on behalf of themselves or on behalf of said city who claims an adverse interest in any part or portion of land or lands for which application for a deed, or deeds, is so made, shall have the right to file, at any time within thirty (30) days after the publication of such notice, a protest against the execution of a deed, or deeds, to the applicant or applicants for the land applied for, or such portion thereof in which he or they may claim an interest, which protest shall be in writing, setting forth the ground of his, or their, objection and a description of that portion of the land in which he, or they, for themselves, or for said city, claim an adverse interest, and shall be sworn to by at least one protestant and filed with the city clerk of said city: provided, that if said protest is filed on behalf of said city the same shall be signed and sworn to by at least ten (10) citizens of the said city who are the owners of real estate within said grant. And provided, further, that no deed shall be executed by either said city or said cotrustee under any such application, unless said application is filed with the said city clerk within five years from the 18th day of March, A.D. 1909, and all lands within the limits of said grant for which a deed has not been executed by said city, or for which application has not been made within said five years, shall be the property of said city of Socorro.