5-8-29. Consolidation of land use assumptions and capital improvements plan.
A. In lieu of separately adopting the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan for a service area containing not greater than three hundred units, a municipality or county may consolidate the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, and adopt the assumptions, the plan and the impact fee simultaneously.
B. If a municipality or county elects to consolidate the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan as authorized by Subsection A of this section, the municipality or county shall first comply with Section 20 [5-8-20 NMSA 1978] of the Development Fees Act and follow the public notice and hearing requirements for adopting a capital improvements plan and impact fee as provided in Section 21 [5-8-21 NMSA 1978] of that act, except:
(1) the headline for the notice by publication shall read as follows:
(2) the notice shall state that the municipality or county intends to adopt land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and impact fees at the hearing and does not intend to hold separate hearings to adopt the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fees;
(3) the notice shall specify a date, not earlier than sixty days after publication of the first notice, and must state that if a person, by not later than the date specified, makes a written request for separate hearings, the governing body shall hold separate hearings to adopt the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan; and
(4) the notice shall provide the name and mailing address of the official of the municipality or county to whom a request for separate hearings shall be sent.
C. In addition to the requirements of Subsection B of this section, the municipality or county shall comply with all other requirements for adopting land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and an impact fee.