53-14-5. Merger of subsidiary corporation.
A. Any corporation owning at least ninety percent of the outstanding shares of each class of another corporation may merge the other corporation into itself without approval by a vote of the shareholders of either corporation. Its board of directors shall by resolution approve a plan of merger setting forth:
(1) the name of the subsidiary corporation and the name of the corporation owning at least ninety percent of its shares, which is hereinafter designated as the "surviving corporation"; and
(2) the manner and basis of converting the shares of the subsidiary corporation into shares, obligations or other securities of the surviving corporation or of any other corporation or, in whole or in part, into cash or other property.
B. A copy of the plan of merger shall be mailed to each shareholder of record of the subsidiary corporation.
C. Articles of merger shall be executed by the surviving corporation by an authorized officer and shall set forth:
(1) the plan of merger;
(2) the number of outstanding shares of each class of the subsidiary corporation and the number of such shares of each class owned by the surviving corporation; and
(3) the date of the mailing to shareholders of the subsidiary corporation of a copy of the plan of merger.
D. On and after the thirtieth day after the mailing of a copy of the plan of merger to shareholders of the subsidiary corporation or upon the waiver of the mailing requirement by the holders of all outstanding shares, an original of the articles of merger together with a copy, which may be signed, photocopied or conformed, shall be delivered to the commission. If the commission finds that the articles conform to law, it shall, when all fees have been paid:
(1) endorse on the original and copy the word "filed" and the month, day and year of the filing;
(2) file the original in its office; and
(3) issue a certificate of merger to which it shall affix the file-stamped copy.
E. The certificate of merger, together with the file-stamped copy affixed to it shall be returned by the commission to the surviving corporation or its representative.