53-19-48. Registration.
Before transacting business in New Mexico, a foreign limited liability company shall register with the commission by submitting an original signed application for registration as a foreign limited liability company, together with a copy, which may be a photocopy of the original after it was signed or a photocopy that is conformed to the original, executed by a person with authority to do so under the laws of the state or other jurisdiction of its organization and a certificate of good standing and compliance issued by the appropriate official of the state or jurisdiction under the laws of which the organization is organized, current within thirty days and that has not expired at time of receipt by the commission. The application shall set forth:
A. the name of the foreign limited liability company and, if different, the name under which it proposes to transact business in New Mexico;
B. the state or other jurisdiction where the foreign limited liability company was organized and the date of its organization;
C. the name and address of a registered agent for service of process, which agent meets the requirements of Section 53-19-5 NMSA 1978, whose original, signed statement, together with a copy, which may be a photocopy of the original after it was signed or a photocopy that is conformed to the original, to the effect that such person accepts designation as the registered agent of the foreign limited liability company, shall be submitted with the application;
D. a statement that the secretary of state is appointed the agent of the foreign limited liability company for service of process if no agent has been appointed upon resignation of an already appointed registered agent or, if appointed, the agent's authority has been revoked or the agent cannot be found or served in the exercise of reasonable diligence;
E. the address of the office required to be maintained in the state or other jurisdiction of its organization by the laws of that state or jurisdiction or, if not so required, of the principal office of the foreign limited liability company;
F. a statement that the foreign limited liability company is a foreign limited liability company as defined in Section 53-19-2 NMSA 1978; and
G. the identity of persons in whom management of the foreign limited liability company is vested.