53-7B-2. Purposes.
The purposes of the New Mexico Research Applications Act are to:
A. promote the public welfare and prosperity of the people of New Mexico;
B. foster economic development in the area of intellectual property within New Mexico;
C. attract investments that will drive technological innovations in New Mexico;
D. create high-value technology jobs in New Mexico with appropriately trained employees to fill such jobs;
E. forge links, critical partnerships and collaboration among New Mexico's business communities, universities, private foundations, national laboratories and government through the development of a research applications center;
F. support educational initiatives in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the state to ensure the availability of the future work force required to meet the goals of the New Mexico Research Applications Act; and
G. engage in cooperative ventures related to the use of research and development applications, including the use of research and development applications as a means of enhancing state and local resource development and promoting innovative technological advances in the areas of economic, community and work force development; education; science; technology; engineering; mathematics; research and development; conservation; and health care, within New Mexico.