53-8-2. Definitions.
As used in the Nonprofit Corporation Act [Chapter 53, Article 8 NMSA 1978], unless the context otherwise requires:
A. "corporation" or "domestic corporation" means a nonprofit corporation subject to the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, except a foreign corporation;
B. "foreign corporation" means a nonprofit corporation organized under laws other than the laws of New Mexico for a purpose for which a corporation may be organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Act;
C. "nonprofit corporation" means a corporation no part of the income or profit of which is distributable to its members, directors or officers;
D. "articles of incorporation" means the original or restated articles of incorporation or articles of consolidation and all amendments thereto, including articles of merger;
E. "bylaws" means the code of rules adopted for the regulation or management of the affairs of the corporation, irrespective of the name by which such rules are designated;
F. "member" means one having membership rights in a corporation in accordance with the provisions of its articles of incorporation or bylaws;
G. "board of directors" means the group of persons vested with the management of the affairs of the corporation, irrespective of the name by which such group is designated;
H. "insolvent" means inability of a corporation to pay its debts as they become due in the usual course of its affairs;
I. "commission" or "corporation commission" means the public regulation commission or its delegate;
J. "address" means:
(1) the mailing address and the street address, if within a municipality; or
(2) the mailing address and a rural route number and box number, if any, or the geographical location, using well-known landmarks, if outside a municipality;
K. "duplicate original" means a document that is signed or executed in duplicate;
L. "delivery" means:
(1) if personally served, the date documentation is received by the corporations bureau of the commission; and
(2) if mailed to the commission, the date of the postmark plus three days, upon proof thereof by the party delivering the documentation; and
M. "person" includes individuals, partnerships, corporations and other associations.