56-1-3. Retail charge agreements.
A. Each retail charge agreement shall be in writing and signed by the buyer. A copy of any such agreement executed on or after the effective date of this act shall be delivered or mailed to the buyer prior to the date on which the first payment is due thereunder. Any acknowledgment by the buyer of delivery of a copy of the agreement contained in the body thereof shall be in a size equal to at least ten point bold type and shall appear directly above the buyer's signature. No agreement executed on or after the effective date of this act shall be signed by the buyer when it contains blank spaces to be filled in after it has been signed. The buyer's acknowledgment, conforming to the requirements of this subsection, of delivery of a copy of an agreement, shall be presumptive proof, in any action or proceeding, of such delivery and that the agreement, when signed, did not contain any blank spaces as herein provided. All retail charge agreements executed on or after the effective date of this act shall state the maximum amount and rate of the time price differential to be charged and paid pursuant thereto. Any such agreement shall contain substantially the following notice printed or typed in a size equal to at least ten point bold type:
B. The buyer under the retail charge agreement shall promptly be supplied with a statement as of the end of each monthly period, which need not be a calendar month, or other regular period agreed upon in writing, at the end of which there is any unpaid balance thereunder, which statement shall recite the following:
(1) the unpaid balance under the retail charge agreement at the beginning and at the end of the period;
(2) the dollar amount of each purchase by the buyer during the period and (unless a sales slip or a memorandum of each purchase has previously been furnished the buyer or is attached to the statement) the purchase or posting date, a brief description or identification and the cash price of each purchase;
(3) the payments made by the buyer and any other credits to the buyer during the period;
(4) the amount, if any, of any time price differential for such period; and
(5) a legend to the effect that the buyer may at any time pay his total unpaid balance or any part thereof.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, a retail charge agreement may provide for, and the seller or holder may then charge, collect and receive, a time price differential for the privilege of paying in installments thereunder.
The time price differential on a retail charge agreement shall be computed from month to month (which need not be a calendar month) or other regular period, on all amounts unpaid under the agreement at the beginning of each such period. The time price differential under this subsection may be computed for all unpaid balances within a range of not in excess of ten dollars [($10.00)] on the basis of the median amount within such range, if as so computed such time price differential is applied to all unpaid balances within such range.
A retail charge agreement may also provide for the payment of an attorney's reasonable fee where it is referred for collection to an attorney not a salaried employee of the holder of the retail charge agreement or any unpaid balance thereunder, and for court costs and disbursements.