56-9-40. [Sale of property; order of court; bond of assignee.]
The district court, or the judge thereof in vacation, shall make an order for the sale of all the real and personal estate conveyed by any deed of assignment, either for cash in hand or upon reasonable credit, and upon such other terms and notice as shall appear to the court or judge to be most advantageous to all the parties in interest, and shall by order, direct the nature of the security to be taken at sales made by assignees under this chapter. Before any sale of such real estate shall be made, the assignee shall give bond with at least two good securities, to be approved by the court, or judge thereof in vacation, in an amount equal to the value of the real estate to be sold, conditioned that the said assignee will faithfully make the same under such order, and duly account for the proceeds thereof under the provisions contained in this chapter.