56-9-8. [Voluntary assignment; assignment not operative until execution of bond; action on bond.]
In case of any voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors, such assignment shall not become operative and the assignee shall not enter into the possession of the property assigned until he shall have executed a good and sufficient bond to the state of New Mexico in a sum to be fixed by the judge of the district court of the county of the assignor's residence, which sum shall not be less than double the value of the property assigned; which value shall be ascertained by proof satisfactory to such district judge before the approval of the bond, conditioned for the faithful performance of all his duties as such assignee, and for the payment to the parties entitled thereto, promptly and without delay, of all sums of money which may come into his hands as such assignee. And any person aggrieved may maintain an action upon the said bond in his own name, or in the name of the state, on his relation, in any district court of this state having jurisdiction.