58-10-3. Application for charter.
A. Application for a charter for an association may be made by five or more citizens of this state by filing with the supervisor an application consisting of:
(1) four copies of the articles of incorporation for the proposed association stating:
(a) the name of the association;
(b) the site of the principal office; and
(c) the names and addresses of the initial directors;
(2) a statement as to:
(a) the amount, if any, of permanent reserve fund stock which has been subscribed and paid for at the time of filing;
(b) the names and addresses of such subscribers and the amount subscribed by each;
(c) the amount of savings liability, if any, with which the association will commence business; and
(d) the amount of paid-in surplus expense with which the association will commence business;
(3) four copies of the bylaws under which the association proposes to operate; and
(4) statements, exhibits, maps and other data sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to enable the supervisor to pass upon the matters set forth in the Savings and Loan Act, and such other information in regard to the proposed association and its operation as may be required by regulations of the supervisor.
B. The articles of incorporation and all statements of fact filed with the supervisor in connection with the application for charter shall be subscribed and sworn to under oath or affirmation.
C. A fee of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) shall be paid to the supervisor for filing the application and investigation of each association to be organized under the Savings and Loan Act [58-10-1 NMSA 1978].