58-10-76. Audits and examinations; fees.
The supervisor shall, at least once each year without previous notice, examine or cause an examination to be made into the affairs of each association subject to the Savings and Loan Act [58-10-1 NMSA 1978]. If an association is not audited at least once each year in a manner satisfactory to the supervisor, he shall order an audit to be made by an independent public auditing firm at the expense of the association. Upon completion of any audit, two copies, signed and certified by the auditor making the audit, shall be filed with the supervisor. The supervisor, any deputy supervisor or his examiners or auditors shall have free access to all books and records of an association which relate to its business, and books and records kept by any officer, agent or employee relating to, or upon which, any record of its business is kept; and may summon witnesses and administer oaths or affirmations in examination of the directors, officers, agents or employees of any association, or any other person in relation to its affairs, transactions and condition, and may require and compel the production of records, books, papers, contracts or other documents by court order if not voluntarily produced. Every association examined shall pay a fee of two hundred dollars ($200) for each examination, together with a further fee for each examination in an amount equal to three-fourths of one-hundredth of one percent of the total assets of the association examined on the day of the examination. An additional fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be added for each branch examined.