58-11-38. Supervisory committee.
A. The supervisory committee shall make or cause to be made by a certified public accountant or other qualified person or firm a comprehensive annual audit of the books and affairs of the credit union. It shall submit a report of each annual audit to the board of directors and make the report available to the director, and a summary of the report shall be presented to the members at the next annual meeting of the credit union.
B. The supervisory committee shall make or cause to be made such supplementary audits, examinations and verifications of members' share and loan accounts as it deems necessary or as are required by the board of directors and submit reports of those audits to the board of directors. A complete verification of members' share and loan accounts shall be performed at least once every two years in accordance with standards established by the director.
C. The supervisory committee by a two-thirds vote of the entire committee may in its sole discretion suspend a person authorized to extend credit if the person is not a paid employee of the credit union and shall report the action to the board of directors for appropriate action. Paid employees of the credit union that are authorized to extend credit may be suspended for any reason but only by the executive officer of the credit union.
D. The supervisory committee by a two-thirds vote of the entire committee may suspend any member of the board of directors until the next members' meeting, which shall be held not less than seven or more than twenty-one days after such suspension. At that meeting, the suspension shall be acted upon by the members and the board member removed from or restored to his position.
E. The supervisory committee by a majority vote may call a special meeting of the members to consider any violation or potential violation of the Credit Union Act [58-11-1 NMSA 1978], the credit union's articles of organization or bylaws or any practice of the credit union deemed by the supervisory committee to be unsafe, unsound or unauthorized. The bylaws shall prescribe the manner in which a special meeting of the members may be called by the members or by the board of directors.