58-15-26. Status of preexisting licensees.
Notwithstanding the repeal thereof by the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955 [58-15-31 NMSA 1978], any licensee having a license under Chapter 174, New Mexico Session Laws of 1947, which is valid and in force and against which no revocation or suspension proceedings are pending on the date of the passage and approval of the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955, may within thirty days after the effective date of the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955 file with the director an application pursuant to Section 58-15-4 NMSA 1978 for an original license under the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955 and such applicants so filing shall be deemed to have a temporary license under the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955 for a period expiring sixty days after the filing of such application, and such additional period as the director by order may provide. All such existing licenses except as in this section provided shall terminate on the effective date of the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955. One-half of the amount of any license fees paid under Chapter 174, New Mexico Session Laws of 1947, by licensees thereunder for the calendar year 1955 shall be credited upon the application fee payable under the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955.