58-17-15. Disposition of care funds upon dissolution.
Where any cemetery authority owning, operating, controlling or managing a cemetery or any trustee for the cemetery authority has accepted care funds pursuant to the Endowed Care Cemetery Act [58-17-2 NMSA 1978] and dissolution is sought by the cemetery authority in any manner, by resolution of the cemetery authority or the trustees of the cemetery authority, notice shall be given to the director of the intentions to dissolve. It is the director's duty to see that proper disposition is made of the care funds held by or for the benefit of the cemetery authority, as provided by law or in accordance with the trust provisions of any gift, grant, contribution, payment, devise or bequest or pursuant to any contracts whereby the funds were created. The director may apply to the district court for the appointment of any receiver, trustee or successor in trust or for direction of the court as to the proper disposition to be made of the care funds, to the end that the uses and purposes for which the trust or care funds were created may be accomplished.