58-21-14. Notice of contemplated action; hearings.
A. When the director contemplates taking any action specified in Section 58-21-8 NMSA 1978 and Paragraphs (1) through (7) of Subsection A of Section 58-21-28 NMSA 1978, the director shall serve upon the licensee a written notice containing a statement:
(1) that the director has sufficient evidence that, if not rebutted or explained, will justify the director in taking the contemplated action;
(2) indicating the general nature of the evidence; and
(3) that unless the licensee within twenty days after service of the notice deposits in the mail a certified return receipt requested letter addressed to the director and containing a request for a hearing, the director will take the contemplated action.
B. If the licensee does not mail a request for a hearing within the time and in the manner required by this section, the director may take the action contemplated in the notice, and such action shall be final and not subject to judicial review.
C. If the licensee mails a request for a hearing as required by this section, the director shall, within thirty days of receipt of the request, notify the licensee of the time and place of the hearing, the name of the person who shall conduct the hearing for the director and the statutes and regulations authorizing the director to take the contemplated action.