58-22-28. Subpoenas, oaths and examinations of witness; penalty.
A. In the conduct of any examination, investigation or hearing, the director may:
(1) compel the attendance of any person or obtain any documents by subpoena;
(2) administer oaths; and
(3) examine any person under oath concerning the business and conduct of affairs of any person subject to the provisions of the Escrow Company Act [58-22-1 NMSA 1978] and in connection therewith require the production of any books, records or papers relevant to the inquiry.
B. Where any person has refused to obey a subpoena issued to the director, the district court of the first judicial district of Santa Fe county or other district court having proper venue, upon application by the director, may issue to the person an order requiring him to appear before the director or the staff member designated by the director, there to produce documentary evidence if so ordered or to give evidence touching the matter under investigation or in question. Failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt of court.