60-2F-4. Definitions.
As used in the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act:
A. "bingo" means a game of chance in which each player has one or more bingo cards printed with different numbers on which to place markers when the respective numbers are drawn and announced by a bingo caller;
B. "bingo caller" means the individual who, in the game of bingo, draws and announces numbers;
C. "bingo employee" means a person connected directly with a game of chance such as cashiers, floor sales clerks and pull-tab workers. A bingo employee may or may not be a member of a qualified organization;
D. "bingo manager" means the person responsible for overseeing bingo and pull-tab activities conducted pursuant to a bingo license;
E. "board" means the gaming control board;
F. "charitable organization" means an organization, not for pecuniary profit, that is operated for the relief of poverty, distress or other condition of public concern in New Mexico and that has been granted an exemption from federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or renumbered;
G. "chartered branch, lodge or chapter of a national or state organization" means a branch, lodge or chapter that is a civic or service organization, not for pecuniary profit, and that is authorized by its written constitution, charter, articles of incorporation or bylaws to engage in a fraternal, civic or service purpose in New Mexico;
H. "distributor" means a person, other than a manufacturer, who provides equipment to a qualified organization but does not manufacture the equipment;
I. "educational organization" means an organization within the state, not organized for pecuniary profit, whose primary purpose is educational in nature and designed to develop the capabilities of individuals by instruction;
J. "environmental organization" means an organization within the state, not organized for pecuniary profit, that is primarily concerned with the protection and preservation of the natural environment;
K. "equipment" means:
(1) with respect to bingo:
(a) the receptacle and numbered objects drawn from it;
(b) the master board upon which the numbered objects are placed as drawn;
(c) the cards or sheets bearing numbers or other designations to be covered and the objects used to cover them;
(d) the board or signs, however operated, used to announce or display the numbers or designations as they are drawn; and
(e) all other articles having a significant effect on the outcome of a game and necessary to the operation, conduct and playing of bingo; and
(2) with respect to pull-tabs:
(a) the pull-tabs;
(b) the pull-tab flares; and
(c) the dispensing machines;
L. "fraternal organization" means an organization within the state, except college and high school fraternities, not for pecuniary profit, that is a branch, lodge or chapter of a national or state organization and that exists for the common business, brotherhood or other interests of its members;
M. "game accountant" means the individual in charge of preparing and submitting the quarterly report form;
N. "game of chance" means that specific kind of game of chance commonly known as bingo, that specific kind of game of chance commonly known as a raffle or that specific game of chance commonly known as pull-tab;
O. "gross receipts" means proceeds received by a bingo licensee from the sale of bingo cards, raffle tickets or pull-tab tickets; the sale of rights in any manner connected with participation in a game of chance or the right to participate in a game of chance, including any admission fee or charge; the sale of playing materials; and all other miscellaneous receipts;
P. "lawful purposes" means:
(1) educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited purposes that benefit an indefinite number of persons either by bringing their minds or hearts under the influence of education or religion, by relieving their bodies from disease, suffering or constraint, by assisting them in establishing themselves in life, by erecting or maintaining public buildings or works, by providing legal assistance to peace officers or firefighters in defending civil or criminal actions arising out of the performance of their duties or by otherwise lessening the burden of government. "Lawful purposes" includes the erection, acquisition, improvement, maintenance, insurance or repair of property, real, personal or mixed, if the property is used for one or more of the benefits stated in this paragraph; or
(2) augmenting the revenue of and promoting the New Mexico state fair;
Q. "licensee" means any qualified organization to which a bingo license has been issued by the board or any person to which a manufacturer's or distributor's license has been issued by the board;
R. "manufacturer" means a person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, produces, programs or makes modifications to equipment for use or play in games of chance in New Mexico or for sale or distribution outside of New Mexico;
S. "occasion" means a single gathering at which a series of successive bingo games are played;
T. "permittee" means any person issued a permit by the board;
U. "premises" means a room, hall, enclosure or outdoor area that is identified on a license issued pursuant to the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act and used for the purpose of playing games of bingo or pull-tabs;
V. "prize" means cash or merchandise won for participation in a game of chance;
W. "progressive pot" means a prize from a pull-tab or a portion of a prize from a pull-tab that is allowed to carry over from one pull-tab game to the next so that the carried-over prizes are allowed to accumulate into a larger prize;
X. "pull-tab" means gaming pieces used in a game of chance that are made completely of paper or paper products with concealed numbers or symbols that must be exposed by the player to determine wins or losses or a gaming piece that is made completely of paper or paper products with an instant-win component that must be exposed by the player on a concealed card and can be used in a speed round for additional winnings utilizing a bingo blower. A "pull-tab" includes a tip board and can include a progressive pot;
Y. "qualified organization" means a bona fide chartered branch, lodge or chapter of a national or state organization or any bona fide religious, charitable, environmental, fraternal, educational or veterans' organization operating without profit to its members that has been in existence in New Mexico continuously for a period of two years immediately prior to conducting a raffle or making an application for a license under the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act and that has had a membership engaged in carrying out the objects of the corporation or organization. A voluntary firefighter's organization is a qualified organization and a labor organization is a qualified organization for the purposes of the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act if they use the proceeds from a game of chance solely for scholarship or charitable purposes;
Z. "raffle" means a drawing where multiple persons buy tickets to win a prize and the winner is determined by the drawing of the ticket stub out of a container that holds all the ticket stubs sold for the event;
AA. "religious organization" means an organization, church, body of communicants or group, not for pecuniary profit, gathered in common membership for mutual support and edification in piety, worship and religious observances or a society, not for pecuniary profit, of individuals united for religious purposes at a definite place; and
BB. "veterans' organization" means an organization within the state or any branch, lodge or chapter of a national or state organization within this state, not for pecuniary profit, the membership of which consists of individuals who were members of the armed services or forces of the United States.