60-6A-16. Proration of fees.
A. The license fees required of retailers, dispensers, restaurants, clubs and public service licensees shall be prorated so that licenses issued prior to October 1 of any year shall be subject to the full amount of the annual license fee. Licenses issued on or subsequent to October 1 and prior to January 1 shall be subject to three-fourths of the annual license fee. Licenses issued on or subsequent to January 1 and prior to April 1 of a year shall be subject to one-half of the annual license fee. Licenses issued on or subsequent to April 1 shall be subject to one-fourth of the annual license fee.
B. All licenses issued to manufacturers, wine bottlers and wholesalers shall be paid for at the yearly rate regardless of the date issued and shall expire on June 30 of the fiscal year for which the licenses are issued.
C. Nonresident licenses and carrier registrations shall be prorated so that licenses issued before the end of the first year of the three-year license period are subject to the full amount of the license fee. Licenses issued on or after the end of the first year and before the end of the second year are subject to two-thirds of the license fee. Licenses issued on or after the end of the second year are subject to one-third of the license fee.