61-12A-9. Board; powers and duties. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The board shall:
(1) adopt, file, amend or repeal rules and regulations in accordance with the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978] to carry out the provisions of the Occupational Therapy Act;
(2) use funds for the purpose of meeting the necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of the Occupational Therapy Act;
(3) adopt a code of ethics;
(4) enforce the provisions of the Occupational Therapy Act to protect the public by conducting hearings on charges relating to the discipline of licensees, including the denial, suspension or revocation of a license;
(5) establish and collect fees;
(6) provide for examination for and issuance, renewal and reinstatement of licenses;
(7) establish, impose and collect fines for violations of the Occupational Therapy Act;
(8) appoint a registrar to keep records and minutes necessary to carry out the functions of the board; and
(9) obtain the legal assistance of the attorney general.
B. The board may:
(1) issue investigative subpoenas for the purpose of investigating complaints against licensees prior to the issuance of a notice of contemplated action;
(2) hire or contract with an investigator to investigate complaints that have been filed with the board. The board shall set the compensation of the investigator to be paid from the funds of the board;
(3) inspect establishments; and
(4) designate hearing officers.