61-12B-9. Other licensing provisions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The department, in consultation with the board, shall adopt rules for mandatory continuing education requirements that shall be completed as a condition for renewal of a license issued pursuant to the provisions of the Respiratory Care Act.
B. The department, in consultation with the board, may adopt rules for issuance of temporary permits to students and graduates of approved training programs to practice limited respiratory care under the direct supervision of a licensed respiratory care practitioner or physician. Rules shall be adopted defining the terms "student" and "direct supervision".
C. A license issued by the department shall describe the licensed person as a "respiratory care practitioner licensed by the New Mexico regulation and licensing department".
D. Unless licensed as a respiratory care practitioner pursuant to the provisions of the Respiratory Care Act, no person shall use the title "respiratory care practitioner", the abbreviation "R.C.P." or any other title or abbreviation to indicate that the person is a licensed respiratory care practitioner.
E. A copy of a valid license or temporary permit issued pursuant to the Respiratory Care Act shall be kept on file at the respiratory care practitioner's or temporary permittee's place of employment.
F. A respiratory care practitioner license shall expire on September 30, annually or biennially, as provided by rules of the department.